Thursday, June 10, 2010

Having A Blog Is The # 1 Marketing Tool

Who's the # 1 blogger in the world? It's ok,
I didn't know either. It's Ty Tribble, and he
has had massive success with just a blog. Isn't
everyone blogging these days? Yes, but their
not doing it right, there's a difference.

I know more and more people are getting "blogs"
but this guy actually knows how to make a blog
WORK and produce RESULTS - without all the
typical hassle, or having to be a "blog expert".
Here's why you must have a blog.

Start up cost is zero, and we could all use a
little financial flexability. It's the # 1 marketing
tool because it's unique, your own piece of
internet real estate, and that makes it
attractive to search engines, and were talking
free organic traffic.

Having a blog that you own, is having something
no one can take away from you. It's not like most
social media formats like YouTube channels or
Twitter - that can be taken away from you on a
whim because Google changes their policies,
or some person out there "flags" your video
or article for some unknown reason...

Having your own blog gives you CONTROL of
your marketing - and that is a HUGE deal!

So, take advantage of this very powerful and
insightful " no cost " video below while it's still
there.Oh, and make sure you have a pen handy, as
you'll want to take some notes like I did!

CLICK HERE to view " no cost " video