Sunday, April 18, 2010

PPC Domination Report Reveals The Top 15 Adword Secrets

There's a new report called PPC Domination that may keep you out of hot water. Do you know the legal ramifications of your MLM contract, and how to use pay-per-click properly? Do you know what you can and can't do in your advertising? Have you ever heard of someone in your upline getting kicked out, or even prosecuted? I don't know about you, but this is a nightmare I want to avoid.

Luckily, top network marketing experts Mike Dillard and Jim Yaghi have teamed up together and released this must have report. Excellent tips on MLM legalities, plus dynamic Google Adwords marketing knowledge, make this an essential business building asset. Let's take a look at one legal example:

Using your company and product name in your AdWords ads is a "fool-proof" way to find leads ALREADY looking for your exact opportunity. You do not have to explain what MLM is or what your product does to these leads.

And, in fact, they will many times... Sign Up On The Spot!

Only problem is... most MLM companies will NOT let you use their business or product names in your ads. And if you do use their company or product names in your AdWords ads... you can get kicked out of your MLM company or potentially even be prosecuted.

However, after much research, Jim found a "loophole" in the rules (of ALL MLM companies) so you can use their business and product names legally and ethically. But, that's not all...........

Here are even more of the secrets revealed in these fascinating new videos:

1.Why you should always be trying to "turn off" as many people as possible in your Google ads. (I will admit, this tip is kind of bizarre. But it works like gangbusters if you know how to do it.)

2.The best keywords for finding highly-qualified, "super prospects" who’ll sign up in your opportunity with little or no effort. (Just plug these exact keywords and copy into your ads and fire away.)

3.When to use the word "MLM" in your Google ads... and when NOT to. (Not knowing this is yet another reason so many networkers fail at AdWords.)

4.The AdWords "leap frog" secret that lets you "position" yourself as being even more valuable than big name MLM gurus, celebrities and trainers. (This is perfect if you want to rise to the top of your company's comp plan as fast as humanly possible.)

5.When to use (and, even more importantly, when NOT to use) your company’s replicated website with AdWords.

6.The single best thing to sell with AdWords if you are in MLM. (Hint: It is NOT your product or opportunity.)

7.How to make a small fortune with AdWords by purposely having your ad farther down the results page. (Almost nobody else knows how to do this except Jim. And it's one of the most profitable "stealth" Google AdWords secrets you'll ever see!)

8.How to get a series of "discounts" from Google for your AdWords campaigns.

9.How to attract leads to your Google ads by purposely creating suspicion about your MLM company and product. (This is another weird one. But if you do it Jim Yaghi's way, it works so reliably and consistently it's almost spooky.)

10.When never to change your Google ads. (Even if they aren't pulling a lot of clicks.)

11.A secret way of using one of Google's "company mottos" to make your ads dramatically more persuasive and profitable than they would otherwise.

12.How to uncover the "big money" keywords that bring lots of targeted traffic... but that nobody else is bidding on!

13.A little-known website where you can find hundreds of thousands of targeted keywords to test... FREE.

14.The fastest known way to multiply your AdWords sales without spending more money on clicks or rewriting your ads.

15.How to sell multiple products... and make 2, 3 even 4 (or more) times as much money...

This video series is packed with even more never revealed before MLM secrets. Dominate Google Adwords today  by obtaining the series called PPC Domination.