Sunday, April 18, 2010

Magnetic Sponsoring Makes Dinosaur MLM Tactics Extinct

Are you still using prospecting methods your upline has preached about for years? Did you know there's a revolutionary new prospecting method out there? It's an attraction marketing method where prospects come to you, sound good...

The "Old School" prospecting methods will kill your chances of making any real money in MLM. In fact, using those "dinosaur" MLM tactics is like trying to fill a leaking bucket.

Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring reveals his secret with this ground breaking account of his success and how he did it:

If you follow the old MLM "dogma" of cold-calling prospects, handing out CD's, and spending all your money on "opportunity" leads — you're almost guaranteed to lose most (probably ALL) of your people to competing distributors who can advertise on your front doorstep thanks to Google.

This means you’ll be forced to recruit every day for the lifespan of your business just to combat the constant attrition that will plague your organization.You see, the old ways worked great when people stayed in and purchased products every month for years at a time, allowing you to build a large, profitable organization.

But in today's crazy online world, the average reps only stick around for 2 or 3 months (if you're lucky) before you even get a chance to recoup your marketing costs.

That's how radically the industry changed since the Internet.

So what can you do to make money in MLM today?

It's actually pretty easy:

You Simply Do The Exact Opposite

Of What Other Network Marketers Are Doing!

Here's what I mean:

Most people spend all their money and time calling over-priced leads, only to end up talking to some guy named "Bubba" who’s really looking for a J-O-B.

Others jump from company to company hoping “this one” will be the one that really works out.

But the richest and savviest distributors don't do ANY of those things.

We do not cold-call leads.

We do not show the plan to everyone with a pulse.

And we do not bother our friends, family and neighbors.

Instead, we use what I call magnetic sponsoring.

This is the secret I discovered that quickly gave me (and thousands of people I've taught it to) complete financial freedom.

Here's how it works:

My System Is Based On Two "Core Truths"

Of MLM In The Internet Age:

1. The old school sales routine of cold-calling leads, holding meetings, knocking on doors and trying to "convince" people to look at your opportunity is DEAD.

2: The fastest and easiest way to make money in MLM today is simply to "position" yourself so only the hottest, most qualified prospects come to you (and ONLY you).

That's it.

And no matter what all the other MLM "gurus" say about contacting your family, friends and neighbors... attending every meeting... or cold-calling leads — these are really the only truths you can absolutely count on in network marketing today.

And these two pieces of truth are what took me from dirt broke to 7 figures in less than 18 months — and letme generate over 115,329 live leads over the past two years without spending a single penny.

And guess what?

You can learn how to do the same thing — no matter what network marketing company you're in or if you just signed up in your first MLM business yesterday.

In fact, when you use "magnetic sponsoring"... you can immediately start attracting an unlimited number of leads TO YOU, and...

Follow one of network marketings top experts today by getting your essential business building report: Magnetic Sponsoring