Saturday, February 20, 2010

Want Prospects, Don't Make These 7 Mistakes

It's no wonder the network marketing industry has a bad name. But who's to blame? Uplines with their never fail marketing strategies, or the entrepreneur, who is blindly just doing what his upline told him. First, let's take a look at the 7 biggest mistakes when prospecting and the mindset your told to use:

  1. Everyone is your prospect
  2. We share products, it isn't really sales
  3. Anyone can do this
  4. We'll build your business for you
  5. Are product is the best in the world
  6. It will work, if you have enough belief
  7. We have a proven system
Everyone Is Your Prospect
This could be your biggest mistake. Do you have any idea what it's like to be hated by everyone you know? Well, that's exactly what's going to happen when you start shamelessly pitching your opportunity at everyone that comes within 3 ft. of you. Trust me, I've been there. People won't talk to you at work, you won't be invited to parties, and your family jokes about you behind your back.
We Share Products, It's Not Really Sales
Do you believe this load of *****. Uplines tell people this in a brainwashing attempt to motivate them. There's no pressure, because you're not really selling anything, your sharing. Well let me tell you something, if your offering a product or service to someone in exchange for money, IT'S SALES!
Anyone Can Do This
This is the biggest con in network marketing history. Yes anyone can implement the marketing strategies your upline gives you, but they don't work, and you won't make any money. Why do they use them? Because it's the only way they can get the average person with no marketing skills into the business, giving companies a higher sign-up total.
We'll Build Your Business For You
Everyone gets scammed on this one. It's always a honeymoon when you start, with big promises and commitment, but in no time they have run off with a new prospect, just to start the process all over again. This is the reason you have to learn marketing skills, trust no one.
Are Products Are The Best In The World
Do you know if it's the best product in the world. But you're going to go around and tell everyone it is, aren't you. This is your reputation on the line, how foolish are you going to feel when family and friends don't agree with you. But your upline has you here, because you don't have time to do your own independent research.
It Will Work, If You Have Enough Belief
This is used when you've done all the wonderful prospecting methods your upline gave you, and you've got zilch, no prospects, and no money. In fact your losing money, paying that mandatory monthly website fee and product order. In fact it's your fault your not successful, you just have to believe a little harder.
We Have A Proven System
No they don't, in fact the most successful people in network marketing don't use those prospecting methods at all! The business would never have any new prospects if they knew what it actually takes to be successful in network marketing. Nothing can replace actual marketing skills and knowledge. You will not learn this with any mlm opportunity.
As rough as it sounds, there is some good news. Yes, the average person can learn, and make money in network marketing opportunities, but you must learn marketing skills first. Luckily, there are experts in the industry that are giving back, and sharing valuable marketing training for little or no cost. Learn the truth about Network Marketing with this no cost report.
*Authors note: Education is the key to any successful business. Learn from top experts in the field with click-by-click network marketing tutorials or how to get started with blogging.
* Get the latest tips & advice with our no cost Network Marketing Newsletter.