Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Reply needed

Hi, please am having little problem right now and i don't know if you can be of help.. Please write back if you can do something to help me..

Monday, January 24, 2011

Website Review - Patio Garden Designs - Small Space Solutions

Well I finally broke down. I've been fighting my passion all along, gardening. I've searched everywhere for a different topic for my Internet marketing business, but I've always been drawn back to gardening.

Now, not any type of gardening, but patio gardening. Small space solutions. Have you ever been frustrated by trying to set up a garden in a tiny space? Perhaps a side yard, or an apartment balcony. I'm here to tell you that I have the solutions needed to make a patio garden beautiful and functional.

Perhaps you've given up because of your age, income, or physical challenges. Don't let this stop you. I'll show you how to overcome these obstacles, and once again enjoy the patio garden that you deserve.

Visit my new blog: and ignite your passion for gardening again. Re-visit the site for regular tips and advice on how to create and maintain a patio garden that family and friends will boast about. Go to today.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How Do I Keep Things Hot Without A Professional Coach?

To view a brief video from Gary Canie, click here.

Your working hard on your internet marketing business, but your not making any money. It's starting to cool off, in fact your stumped on what to do next to turn things around. Your lost. Maybe it's time to heat things up again with a professional coach. Why should you? Here's why.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that there is literally one thing that virtually EVERY major success story you
have ever heard of in this industry (or almost any other for that matter, like sports) has in common:


It can change your life.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I just wish someone would give me the help that I need, and guide me as I put this online internet marketing business thing together… because I really need to start seeing real results… and soon?”

Dear Network Marketer,

If you have, trust me, you’re not alone.

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you…

Once upon a time you were looking to earn an income online with internet marketing and you felt that in order to do so, you had to get your hands on just about every marketing training out there, whether it be on Adwords, SEO, copywriting or whatever.

It didn't matter. If it existed, you had to have it.

And every time something new came out, you had to get that too.

But before long, your money ran out, or you realized you weren't actually making much progress with your online business – no matter how good the training material was.

It doesn’t take long to realize you’ve spent a lot of money on training material for your online business and you don’t really know how to earn it back.

If this sounds like your situation, or a team member of yours, or a business partner or member of your downline, I want you to know I have something that will help you.

Anne Sieg has just released her revolutionary new coaching platform. Revolutionary? Why? Because it's interactive, that's why. Personal attention to your internet marketing business and it's needs are delivered by hand picked coaches. To view the Anne Sieg Renegade Coaching System platform CLICK HERE.

And the best part, you get a free 20 -30 min. interview to assess where you are in your business progress, and whether this program is a fit for you. There's no obligation. All you have to do is CLICK ON THIS LINK , fill out the quick 2-3 minute form, and schedule a time to get on the phone.

Get your business turned in the right direction today.
Gary Canie - Helping Others Succeed
For more informative videos and blog posts go to:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How I Started A Home Business In Less Than 7 Days

Does that seem possible? That I started a home business in less than 7 days. Yes it is possible, and not only that, I was making an income instantly. The beauty was that it was a very simple home business format, I didn't need any experience, and the blueprint for success had a proven formula.

Now everyone knows there's a lot of hype out there, and believe me I have drowned in exaggerated promises of instant fortune. All you have to do is surf the web looking for a home business opportunity, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

That's what's refreshing about a simple plan, no exaggerated riches, and a doable format that comes with great leadership. Anyways, you'll probably here a lot more from me about my new home business.

To follow Gary Canie visit his main blog @

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Press Release - Gary Canie Launches New Blog

Well it finally happened, I merged 2 great blogs into 1. Why? Well, perks, I guess you can say. Some blogs limit what you can and can't do, and eventually you want something better.

For example, if your blog is not self-hosted, you don't have control over the content. Which means administration can shut you down without notice. Why would they do that? Well, in their eyes, your blog becomes too spam oriented. Don't take this too lightly, because this has happened to many successful bloggers. Years of work, blog posts, and contacts wiped away in an instant.

Another great perk is PLUGINS. Some blogs feature some plugins, but a self-hosted WordPress blog has over 100 plugins. Talk about having options for your design and layout.

I've designed this blog with help from the #1 blogger in the world Ty Tribble. Thank-you for your readership on this blog. I hope you'll visit, and take a look at the new features and layout. I plan on providing the same great network marketing tips & advice. Visit

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Faster, Easier, No Cost, Way To Create Blog Content

Who has time to create blog content? Seriously, who really has tons of hours available every day to just spend on creating new blog posts or marketing material?

Being that the average person trying to learn how to market online also still has a regular full time j-o-b; there's truly not much of a window of time each week to become a "behind the scenes" content producer and writer for most folks.

Well, aren't we told that you HAVE to have lots of content (or blog posts) out there to really do some serious lead generation (and money- making)?

Yes, but what most people don't yet understand - is the fact that you do NOT have to physically create all of the pieces of content yourself from scratch...

In fact, it can actually be MORE effective and it can produce even HIGHER conversions for you:

When you learn to properly leverage OPC... "Other People's Content"

No, I'm NOT talking about copying someone's personal material.

And, no I'm NOT talking about PAYING some one to write for you.

I'm talking about a relatively unknown method that allows you to:

- Get more marketing done in less time

- Utilize "socially proven", highly attractive content for YOUR gain

- Attract MORE targeted visitors to your blog by writing LESS

- Piggy-back off of popular content that is already out there

- Create a "buzz" around you and your blog

- And position yourself as a true "go to" person of influence for a BIG chunk of your target market prospects All without spending hours on end every day trying to make your blog produce results!

You see, Ty Tribble and Ann Sieg have just released a truly SIMPLE set of materials that teaches these things - AND so much more:

And there's only just a small window of time left for you to be able to get this "insider info".

After Saturday the 19th, this valuable training will be pulled from the open market - and the chance to also have Ty personally critique YOUR blog (one of the potential bonus offers) will be gone as well!

These days, having a productive blog is almost a MUST for those who want to succeed in the exciting world of online marketing...

And this material gives you the raw insight straight from the world's top mlm blogger, to give you the competitive edge you need:

Getting online, and succeeding in the world of online marketing - has never been easier (with the help of this material)! CLICK HERE to view this no cost training video.

Providing The Resources That Get RESULTS,

Gary Canie

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Blogging Regulations Have Fines Up To $ 11,000

What? New blogging regulations have fines up to $ 11,000. This is just an amazing story, it blew my mind that I could be liable for just owning and operating a blog. These regulations were brought in to protect consumers, and that's a good thing, I guess, but what about us.

Please read this great article by lawyer Chip Cooper before its too late. There's one paragraph that stuck with me, it read: " If you’re a violator, you could be fined up to $11,000. In addition, you could be held liable for false, misleading, and unsubstantiated statements. "

WOW! Protect your hard work with compliance to these new blogging regulations. To read the complete article go to:

For expert advice on how to build an effective blog watch this no cost video by the # 1 blogger in the world. CLICK HERE to watch video.